Inline Products
iHTML is a very powerful server side scripting / programming language
for the Internet which is used in the creation of customized interactive web
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The iHTML merchant software is the ideal solution for ISP's, web
developers and corporate users to implement online stores on the
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The InTelaCart software is an entry level ecommerce solution for ISP's to offer clients that
are unable to install full blown merchant software on their websites.
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oPAYc is a standardized way to do payment processing to a large number of different payment
processing companies.
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Inline has contributed a TDS ODBC driver for connecting to a Microsoft® or Sybase® SQL Server database system from multiple operating systems.
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iDRINK is a web site for drink recipes. It determines what recipes you can make from the ingredients you have.
Visit iDRINK
Inline Partnership Programs
The Inline VAR (Value Added Reseller) Program was created for Web consultants, developers, ISP's, and systems integrators, who represent a very important part of Inline's business.
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