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Our Capabilities - Examples

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Inline has developed a number of custom systems over the years as described below. If you have customers with similar needs you can leverage the Inline experience and code base to deliver a similar system. This would be much more cost effective than developing something from scratch. You may even want to mention you have these capabilities since you never know what customers might be looking for that they are not telling you about. Call an Inline sales person at 905-680-436 or email to to discuss in more detail or to get a quote.
Web Mail system
This is a web based email management system similar to HotMail. It can be viewed in production at Features: - Ability to create your own email account - Ability to check and send mail - Many features of commercial webmail services (e.g. Hotmail, etc) - handles attachements - uses a high performance SMTP server for handling high volumes
Recruiting/Head Hunter System
This is a resume, employee, employer, recruiter management system. Inline has implemented a number of these solutions and you can see some of them at or . This can be used by an agency or just an in house human resources department. Features: - Job search and job candidate search based on skills - Ability to upload a resume - Includes a data management system - recruiters can manage their set of resumes and prospects
Resume Distribution System
This is similar to the recruiting system however the way it works is that a candidate uploads his resume and it gets distributed to a number of recruiting firms based on criteria matching between the two parties. This can be viewed at Features: - Ability to upload a resume - Specify what geo. regions you're interested in and it'll send an email out to all recruiters in that region. - Recruiters can search through any resumes that have been sent to them. - handles payments due if that option is required
Vehicle Searching System
This system manages used cars and allows sellers and buyers to hook up. It can be viewed at Features: - Find vehicles based on detailed criteria - Contact owner of vehicle - Includes a data management system
Generic Web site builder
This systems allows the building of a topic specific site by users. The system was specifically built to allow churches to set up an online presence easily. It can be modified for any specific vertical market. Features: - uploading of images - handling of church specific information - provided tools to help a church in its activities
Reservation System
Inline has implemented a couple of reservation type systems. One includes a major car manufacturer to schedule test drives of a new and popular vehicle. This also included the ability to find a dealer close to the consumer based on ZIP code. This could be expanded to just about anything that requires a reservation. Feature: - Ability to define schedule, and the units available (ie.appointments, or tables at a restaurant) - Ability to reserve those timeslots / units
ExtraNet Inventory Management System
This system allows a major car company to manage a set of bill of materials coming from various suppliers and being directly delivered to consumers. It tracked inventory, spoilage, incoming product and outgoing product. It was accessed by various suppliers and users of the system remotely through a browser. Features: - Built to maintain inventory levels between a company and it's suppliers - handled Bill of Materials - Ability to import and export inventory data to maintain synchronization between 3rd party systems - handled spoilage and shipment error calculations
Stock Exchange System
This system was built for a European stock exchange brokerage firm to allow their clients to get real time stock quote information as well as buy and sell stocks. This system is also WAP enabled. Features: - Ability to view near-realtime quotes on stocks - Dynamically pulls stock market data into useable form - Stores stock history - WAP interface to browse on a wireless device (cell phone) - Ability to make stock trades online and through WAP
Dynamic survey system
Inline has built a number of these systems over the years from simple to fairly sophisticated. Very useful for doing any type of survey and tabulating results. Features: - Ability to define and conduct a survey - Multiple answer format: multiple choice, one choice, text, etc - Reporting on results
Dynamic matching system
We have built a very sophisticated system to match criteria from registrants to a database of awards. The system handles extremely complex matching algorithms including NOT conditions and Mutually exclusive conditions. This could be reused for any sort of matching system such as awards, dating, etc.... Features: - Ability to define criteria for an object (ie. age, etc) - Ability to enter objects dynamically (ie. jobs, people, etc) - Ability for user to enter their criteria and see matches - send out daily reports on new matches from existing registrants - targeted banner ads and content based on registrants information
Fixed-field matching system
This system allows a more simplified matching system that is extremely fast. It can be seen in action at It allows users to enter ingredients they have and then matches the recipes against those ingredients to return what they can make. This could also be used to match up skill sets and even do time scheduling. Features: - Matching on one field in a many to many relationship - extremely fast matching algorithm
Sports betting Statistics
This system tracks sporting events and allows handicappers to select their picks. The system then ranks the handicappers to show which ones are best in each area of specialty. Features: - Ability to search for best sports handicappers based on statistical criteria. - data entry system - front end reports
Training Company Management System
This allows training companies to schedule students, instructors and classrooms with non-standard time slots and program details. This system was very detailed and could handle most aspects of running a training company from small to large in size. Features: - data entry screens for all the component information - generation of schedules for instructors and students - generation of class lists, classroom usage reports - utilization statistics - included a course survey system to judge course effectiveness - included a courseware testing system to administer exams and tests and point out areas of weakness
Organization Management Systems
Inline has done systems for both cities and technology parks in which they are able to manage and distribute information regarding their organizations. This also includes the ability to manage subcommittes, scheduling of rooms and resources etc... Features: - dynamic content management for various sections of front end - bulletin board discussion forums - scheduling system for various resources - various small front end user components
Hotel Reservation system
This system allowed a membership base in the millions to be able to get access to special hotel pricing around the world. The system was tied into an Interactive Voice Response system that used a very proprietary data storage format. A hotel could change pricing either on the web site or the IVR and the change would be automatically reflected in both systems. Black out periods could also be managed. Features: - hotel management system to allow the hotels to change information - administration system for new hotels and information to be added - integration to a non-standard and remote IVR system - generic web site for the participating membership organizations
Magazine subscription mgmt system
This was built for a computer magazine company that offered 4 publications. It managed their subscriber base, created reports for Auditing bureaus and allowed subscribers to go online to manage their own subscriptions. Features: - handled multiple publications - did address verifications and data cleaning - online subscriber allowed to manage their own subscription info - created reports for Auditing bureau - handled ensuring the subscribers qualified for free subscriptions
Coupon Redemption Management System
This system was built to be used by grocery stores to allow manufacturers to properly manage coupon redemption. The system pulls POS data nightly and consolidates it on a store by store basis. The manufacturers go to the site and review coupon redemption information against stock levels etc... and can approve or deny coupon claims. If approved the system will do an ACH payment to the store. Features: - handling of calculation of payment amounts - handling of retrieval of high volume POS data from disparate systems - easy to use mfg. Administration system - store and product management system - creation of various types of reports

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